PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) is an abbreviation for “pulse width modulation”. In other words, a PWM-enabled charge controller sends short charging pulses to the batteries at regular intervals instead of a fixed output. The controller determines the sending interval and length of the pulses according to the state of charge of the battery.
Solar charge controllers control the energy coming from the solar panels, adjust the current and voltage and send it to the batteries. The charge controller protects the system by preventing the batteries from being overcharged and discharged. Charge controllers are divided into two as PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) and MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking).
Solar charge controllers control the energy coming from the solar panels, adjust the current and voltage and send it to the batteries. The charge controller protects the system by preventing the batteries from being overcharged and discharged. A charge controller is needed in every solar energy system. Charge controllers are divided into two as PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) and MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking).
PWM is an acronym for Pulse Width Modulation. PWM charge controllers can be thought of as an electrical switch between the solar panel and the batteries. The switch is quickly turned on and off to obtain the appropriate voltage to charge the batteries. As the batteries are charged, the charging current is slowly reduced.
PWM charge controllers, on the other hand, can provide sufficient performance in small applications that do not need many features.